So, the ups and downs with The Walking Dead guests are kind of disappointing.Lauren Cohan has cancelled her appearance at TFW 2013 due to professional commitments. I know there will be those that are disappointed. We were simply crushed to get this news. It definitely comes with the territory for conventions. But, it doesn’t make the blow any less painful.
marți, 16 aprilie 2013
Lauren cancelled her appearance at Texas Frightmare Weekend !
Sadly, Lauren had to cancel her appearance at Texas Frightmare Weekend :(
Added 3 new photos of Lauren from the photoshoot by Ric Bacon in the gallery!!
Thanks to Lauren Cohan Online, we have 3 new photos from the Ric Bacon photoshoot! It's an old one, but also she's very beautiful in every pic - and didn't age a day <3
Lauren Cohan's Style: Playing Golf !
Yesterday Lauren tweeted this amazing photo of herself playing golf, and while answering to fans on Twitter she said the sneakers are from Nike's new "Free" collection :)
Check out all of Lauren's outfits we have HERE, also please note that the pic above is made by me :)
luni, 15 aprilie 2013
Twitter News: Golf games, season wraps & others !
So I had no internet for 2 days ... only 2 days and when I checked twitter all this happened:
"Last day of season 3 xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox @Laurie_Holden"
"Last day of season 3 xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox @Laurie_Holden"
Awww, a lovely pic from the season 3 wrap !!! They're so cute ahh <3
"Good eats! #joesrealbbq #gilbertaz"
Apparently she watched a golf game of the Masters Team, then tweeted a photo of Adam Scott wich you can see HERE , and a few other tweets about the game & players:
- "Adam Scott just now! Yeah!! #masters"
- "Masters so exciting right now"
- "Playoff !!!!!"
- "Oh Cabrera #oophthisistough"
- "Go Aussies! Go Scott #bothsuchgoodsportsmen"
And then .... GUESS WHAT? She tweeted a photo of HERSELF playing golf !! Oh my godness this is heaven for me ... I love seeing photos of Lauren doing everything: from roadtrips, to whale watching, to playing golf OMG!
She also had some amazing & funny replies for some fans! <3
vineri, 12 aprilie 2013
Behind the Scenes photos of Lauren filming "Young Alexander the Great"
Thank you VERY MUCH to Lauren Cohan Online for sharing these EXCLUSIVE photos of Lauren (with Amy Shiels and Paul Telfer - her best friends) filming "Young Alexander the Great" !! She looks like a warrior princess in this movie and that's why it makes me really sad that we'll probably never get to see it :( But hey,at least now we have these new exclusive pics and she looks very very beautiful!!
Lauren Cohan and the "Tape Ball" on the set of The Walking Dead
This photo is so cute and funny! <3 I love it!!
I am so grateful to everyone sharing a new photo of the sweet Lauren !!
Tampa Bay Comic Con FULL HD Panel !!!
The Tampa Bay Comic Con staff uploaded the video of Lauren & Emily's panel at this sunday's event on Youtube. Enjoy!
New photoshoot coming up: Glow Magazine, by Ron Cabellos
Few days ago (Tuesday - April 9th 2013) Lauren did a photoshoot with Ron Cabellos from Dove Shore Studios, for GLOW Magazine's September 2013 issue (yeahh we will have to wait a LONG TIME). Below are some behind the cameras pics, thanks to Lauren Cohan Fanclub:
The only thing I can say right now is: CAN'T WAIT !! So excited <3 She's gonna be fabulous, (as always)!
The Vampire Diaries FanVid - Don't You Worry Child - ROSE Included
I was watching this amazing fanvid and loving it SO MUCH, (it almost makes me cry) and then I saw our wonderful ROSE and I needed to share! Rose was the perfect, dream-vampire for me! I miss her </3
miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013
New Photos & Videos from Tampa Bay Comic Con
First, I wanna thank so much to Brittany Marie and Geek Triumvirate for the amazing HQ photos from the Panel!
Home > Events & Appearances > Lauren @ Tampa Bay Comic Con in Tampa, Florida
Amy Shiels, shared a photo of Lauren on Twitter!
Amy Shiels is Lauren's best friend, in case you didn't remember, and few hours ago she shared this pic of Lauren writing "Barbarella Hair Day Baby!!! :) Lauren Cohan xxx"
Aww, doesn't she look angelic? All she needs more is a pair of wings :D
What am I talking about? She looks like an angel without any wings!
marți, 9 aprilie 2013
New album in the gallery: LAUREN COHAN STYLE
I decided to make a new album in the gallery, called "Lauren Cohan Style" in wich I put collages of Lauren's clothes at various events! Hope you'll like what you find there and I'll do my best to find as many Lauren clothes as possible! Please note that most of the collages in the gallery are made by me, so if you take any, please credit LCR, thank you!
Also, if you guys find any clothes online that look like Lauren's feel free to share with me at @LaurenCohanRo to make my work easier :D Xo
Gallery Updated with more photos of Lauren @ Breaking Bad Season 5 Premiere
I've updated the gallery with more pics of Lauren at the Season 5 Premiere of Breaking Bad, during last years Comic Con. Enjoy all of them by clicking the photo below:
Thanks to Lauren Cohan Online
Erica Gray Shared a photo of herself and Lauren on Instagram!
Few minutes ago, Erica Grey, Lauren's publicist and probably good friend, shared a photo saying "Always a good day when I get to play with Lauren Cohan". If you ask me, I think Lauren is going to an event or something (I hope). But I guess we'll live and see :D Enjoy the pic:
Enjoy all of Lauren's personal photos HERE
Photo of Lauren Cohan leaving Tampa Bay !!!!
Thank you SO MUCH to Laura Colon for being the only one to share this photo on twitter! Fans said that when Lauren left Tampa Bay she was very smiley and waving goodbye, now we finally have a photo of that! Love seeing things like this - she's a real superstar <3 I just love you Lauren, so much !!!
Also here is a photo of Lauren and Laura (sounds funny right, it's a similar name!)
luni, 8 aprilie 2013
Lauren tweeted a photo of the crowd at the Tampa Bay Con !
The always lovely Lauren tweeted the photo she took of the crowd in Tampa Bay, when she left, alfter Sammi (fan) asked her to! She also replied to some fans :)
Short HD Video of Lauren & Emily Kinney at Tampa Bay Comic Con!
Thank you to TeamNickJ0nas. for the video!
I love the quality!
And oh my gosh, Emily has such a BEAUTIFUL voice!
Texas Frightmare Weekend
Apparently Lauren will be at another fan-event in May, in Texas!
The event is called "Texas Frightmade Weekend" and it will take place in Dallas, Texas from 3rd to 5th May 2013 - but Lauren will only be there on Saturday (4th May).
The event is called "Texas Frightmade Weekend" and it will take place in Dallas, Texas from 3rd to 5th May 2013 - but Lauren will only be there on Saturday (4th May).
- The adress is: 2334 North International Parkway,Dallas Fort Worth Aitport, TX,75261,United States
- Other guests from TWD are: Jon Bernthal, Norman Reedus, Chandler Riggs, Nick Gomez, Lew Temple & Vincent Ward
- PROFESSIONAL PHOTO-OPS for Lauren & Norman Reedus - info on purchasing HERE
- Info on purchasing the tickets for the convention HERE
Lauren @ Tampa Bay Comic Con - Full Panel, Photos & Tweets!
Lauren and Emily were so sweet together at the Con in Tampa Bay! They really are like sisters!
Enjoy the panel thanks to Geek Me Out:
Enjoy the panel thanks to Geek Me Out:
And a short lovely video from the Signing - HERE
Click on the pic above to see all the pics thanks to everyone who was there!
Special thanks to Sammi & Brittany! I love you girls for keeping me updated!
If some of you want specific credits to your photos just askm and I'll write them! I can't exactly write names of 100 people, but if 100 people ask for them, I will! :) Thank you so much!
Plus, after she left earlier from the panel (due to a family emergency, I hope everything is ok) she tweeted this:
Click HERE to see a short video of the crowd in Tampa Bay saying "Hi" to Lauren !!! (Thanks Lauren Cohan Online)
duminică, 7 aprilie 2013
FIRST VIDEO of Lauren signing autographs at the "Tampa Bay Comic Con"
Thank you SO MUCH to "Geek Me Out" for uploading the first video of Lauren at the Con!!! She looks amazing, so pretty! Enjoy:
Another fan, Bryan Collins said: " Rushing into the hotel this a.m. I ran into Lauren Cohan from The Walking Dead. Didn't know she wears glasses"
Stay tuned!!! I'll update this post with everything we find!
Another fan, Bryan Collins said: " Rushing into the hotel this a.m. I ran into Lauren Cohan from The Walking Dead. Didn't know she wears glasses"
Stay tuned!!! I'll update this post with everything we find!
Reminder: Lauren Cohan at Tampa Bay Comic Con Today !!
Just a reminder that today (in about 5 hours) Lauren and her on-screen sister, Emily Kinney will be in Tampa Bay, Florida for the "Tampa Bay Comic Con"!
- The Meet & Greet with fans + Autograph signing will start at 10 am
- The Panel of "The Walking Dead" with Lauren and Emily will start at 3 pm
Can't wait!! If you're there, well you're really lucky, HAVE FUN!
Can't wait to see the first photos and I hope they sing a little part of "The Parting Glass" together! Fans that were at Emily's panel yesterday said that she sang a little bit, I just hope they'll sing together too!
vineri, 5 aprilie 2013
Tampa Bay Times FULL Interview with Lauren Cohan !
First part: About Merle's death:
Second part: About The Walking Dead itself and her passion for sci-fi roles:
Third part: About "Law & Order"
Even though she hasn’t yet seen the episode, Walking Dead co-star Lauren Cohan knows all about the poignant, emotional action which floored viewers in Sunday’s episode of AMC’s zombie drama – as fan favorite and all around jerkface Merle Dixon (Michael Rooker) sacrificed himself to save his loyal brother Daryl.
“It’s shame because we’d all just begun to love the character and understand where he coming from,” said Cohan, who plays tough farmgirl-turned-zombie killer Maggie Greene on the show, which airs its third season finale Sunday. “To make this ultimate sacrifice for his brother and have everybody be wrong…It comes at a time when we could be wrong about Michonne and – big surprise! – we were wrong about Merle.”
The episode was a slow reveal, focused mostly on the band of heroic zombie apocalypse survivors led by Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), anticipating an armed conflict with the show’s increasingly twisted villain, The Governor (David Morrissey).
Merle, always shown as a racist, violent thug (and once The Governor’s enforcer), spent Sunday’s episode admitting to Rick that he doesn’t know why he’s driven to make impulsive, often horrific life choices. Stuck with Rick and his people in an old prison because his brother Daryl insists on staying there, Merle first tries to give up a fellow survivor, Michonne, to The Governor, to stop an attack.
Then, he decides to try killing as many of the villain’s men as possible, getting killed in the process and turned into a zombie “walker” his own brother must put down.
It’s become a trademark of the show; just as we get to know – and care about -- a sketchy character, he gets killed, deepening the audience’s shock.
“It was such a shame, even with Iron E (Singleton, who played survivor T-Dog), you had a moment of ‘Oh he’s becoming more noticed' – not more noticed, actually -- but he’s becoming a more prominent leader in the group, and then he goes,” said Cohan, an American-born, England-raised actress whose British accent flavors her words. “It's so flipping sad...but everybody goes out as a hero.”
Cohan, who is appearing April 7 at the Tampa Bay Comic Con with fellow castmember Emily Kinney (Beth Greene), gave me a much longer interview for a later Tampa Bay Times story on that event. But she also was willing to talk a bit about the shock of losing Rooker as a castmate, and how the cast always seems to be in mourning -- a bit like the characters they play.
“The thing about Rooker, even though his character is such a baddie, he’s one of the softest castmembers ever…such a little pussycat,” she said. “It’s kinda how you go through life thinking ‘Well, if I love less or don’t love as deeply, maybe it won’t hurt as much when I lose someone.’ But it kinda doesn’t work like that. You kinda just have to live life fully and…well, it’s a very difficult show to do, sometimes.”
Sunday’s episode seemed to nearly complete a season-long arc, in which Rick and The Governor started as seemingly very similar figures and now have landed in very different places. Rick embraced his humanity by deciding against giving up Michonne and pushing away visions of his dead wife, while The Governor has become more of a monster – biting off Merle’s fingers during a fight and secretly holding former lover Andrea in a torture chair at his Woodbury compound.
Some critics say the show struggles because it has no story. But I remember people saying similar things about series such as Mad Men and The Sopranos at different points, mostly as a protest when the storytelling got too slow.
The eternal question which hung over The Walking Dead this season: How much of your humanity can you retain in a world gone insane, while still keeping yourself and your family alive?
Rick’s answer seemed to come in bringing an end to the “Ricktatorship,” telling his group they would make choices by majority vote in the future. Assuming the Governor finally gets his comeuppance in next Sunday’s finale, the question remains how some other characters – Michonne, Tyreese, Milton – will get folded into the family, if at all.
For now, fans are left to simmer over the poignant sight of Daryl killing his brother Merle – whom The Governor shot dead in a way which ensured he would return as a zombie “walker.”
“It’s kind of a call back to (Rick’s son) Carl having to shoot (his mother) Lori,” Cohan said. “We always go at the hand of our closest, I guess. I just (realized that) as I said it."”
Second part: About The Walking Dead itself and her passion for sci-fi roles:
As half of the youngest, best-looking couple on AMC's hit zombie drama The Walking Dead, Lauren Cohan has become the green-eyed queen of every geek's fantasy.
Indeed, as her gutsy Maggie Greene prepares to marry geeky sidekick-turned-passionate survivor Glenn Rhee (Steven Yeun), they are living most fanboys' post-apocalyptic dream, where even the most awkward guy has a shot at the pretty girl at the end of the world.
"I know that on the page, Glenn's character is supposed to be a dorky guy, but other than the fact that he's Asian, I don't really understand what makes him geeky to anyone," Cohan said. "Maybe the part of it that's the 'dream come true' is that Glenn was the really shy one where Maggie was concerned. But he's good looking and so is Steven; (Maggie) always saw him that way. It always made a lot of sense to me."
The topic of geeks comes up often in our discussion, not long before last Sunday's blockbuster third season finale for the show. To be precise, we talked right after the episode where hardcase Merle Dixon sacrificed himself to try taking out the show's villain, the Governor, but before the whirlwind finale in which Andrea died, shooting herself in the head after getting bitten by a friend who had died and returned as a zombie.
Cohan appears Sunday at Tampa Bay Comic Con with fellow cast member Emily Kinney (Beth Greene), signing autographs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Kinney also will appear Saturday.) Which means a lot of face time with the fanboys who cut their teeth on Robert Kirkman's Walking Dead graphic novels and helped turn the TV show into a magnet for the highly sought after 18- to 49-year-old viewer.
"I always end up doing sci-fi; I guess I really like the brains of it," said Cohan, who has also had roles on the CW seriesSupernatural and The Vampire Diaries. "I like the people that are devoted enough to put in the time to read the comic. I'm a geek myself; I grew up watching Star Trek, I don't do drugs. … They're my people."
That bit seems hard to believe. Born in New Jersey but raised in England, the 31-year-old leggy beauty has a beguiling British lilt to her voice, which surprises if you've spent much time watching her play tomboyishly tough Southern gal Maggie onThe Walking Dead.
British actors pop up in the most unusual places on Walking Dead; star Andrew Lincoln is a London-born actor from British film and TV projects like Love, Actually and the BBC dramaThis Life. Bad guy the Governor is played by another Brit, David Morrissey, star of classic English TV series State of Play and Blackpool.
Tell Cohan that casting such actors in American projects allows producers to present U.S. audiences with super-experienced stars they have never seen before, and she gasps like it's an idea she has never heard before.
"It's always a fantasy for Brits to play Southern … maybe it's Tennessee Williams, or maybe it's that it's so foreign to us," she said, noting that playing American is a bit easier for her than for Lincoln and Morrissey, who are "through and through Englishmen."
"There's something old-fashioned about the South; it calls to your spirit," Cohan said by cellphone from a coffeehouse in Atlanta not far from where the show films. "I love the pace and the sense of priorities. It makes me feel like a lady."
You expect death to be a major theme in a show centered on zombies, but The Walking Dead takes that idea to new extremes — killing off major characters in ways both exhilarating and daunting for longtime fans.
Which raises an important question for Cohan: Has she ever worried about getting that fateful call?
"Maggie and Glenn will never die," she said, laughing. "Obviously, you hope to never get the call, but that's part of the honor of being on the show. These deaths always further the story and it's always going to propel big arcs for the characters. It really has an unprecedented effect on people and that doesn't come without some kind of cost. It just shows you, there are no rules."
Indeed, thanks to their love of The Walking Dead, the geeks of the world have rewritten the rules for series television, making an unlikely hit of a cable TV show featuring gruesome zombie deaths and a bleak, world-ending vision.
Nothing speaks louder than ratings in series television, and The Walking Dead has earned numbers among viewers 18 to 49 that surpass any rival show on cable TV or broadcast (Sunday's season finale drew 12.4 million viewers, with 8.1 million viewers 18 to 49, more than network hits like CBS's The Big Bang Theory and Fox's American Idol). Even its live, after-show analysis program, dubbed Talking Dead(Cohan calls it "the hug after the show that everyone needs"), scores ratings other broadcast shows would be happy to have, 5.2 million viewers on Sunday.
In an interesting way, the geeks have inherited the future of television, giving us all a show that will encourage the TV powers that be to break more rules — hopefully in ways that benefit the audience most of all.
"If The Walking Dead can do everything, then no one has any excuse," Cohan said. "I'm waiting for every other show to have its own after-show.
Me: You're also the guest star in a Law & Order: SVU episode, playing a TV reporter raped by a co-worker. What was that like?Cohan: "The journey she goes through, you could see the biggest transition in 45 minutes. She starts at the absolute top of her game, and by the end of the episode, she’s a completely broken human...The first few days I didn’t have time to talk to anybody. It’s a beast of a role, the first few days, I’m not talking to anybody, I’m just wanting to do good work. When you do good work, you get a lot of support...(But) I have to stop doing all (these roles) with emotional intensity. I gotta do something nice, like the next Enchanted or something."
Lauren Cohan is the fans-favourite to play in the new "Lara Croft"
I know this might not mean anything to the producers, but I'm still excited!! I've always wanted for Lauren to play 2 of my "dream-characters": Lara Croft & Blood Rayne ! Seeing that other people see Lauren as Lara makes me really happy! has written:
What do YOU guys think?
Leave me your opinions at @LaurenCohanRo on Twitter! has written:
"When we heard there would be a new ‘Tomb Raider‘ movie, the obvious question was, Which actress should succeed Angelina Jolie? Word is the new film will be adapted from the latest video game, which follows a young Craft on her first epic adventure. So when we got a closeup of the game character, only one name came to mind — Lauren Cohan.
The ‘Walking Dead’ star is ready to wow fans of the AMC series with the upcoming season 3 finale this Sunday, but she previously had a little stint on ‘Law & Order: SVU‘ for the “Legitimate Rape” episode. So is she ready to break out even more with ‘Tomb Raider’? Who knows, but if she ever wanted to, she could use her Lara Craft look alike status as leverage."Also, on the website there's a poll, go vote - HERE
What do YOU guys think?
Leave me your opinions at @LaurenCohanRo on Twitter!
joi, 4 aprilie 2013
Lauren shared 2 new photos on Twitter yesterday
Apparently, the photos were taken in Los Angeles, you can see them in HQ in our gallery by clicking the photo above!
Lauren Cohan Style: Emmy Magazine Photoshoot
I've made photos of Lauren's clothes in the photoshoot by Moshe Brakha for Emmy Magazine! Unfortunately I haven't found photos of one dress she wore :( anyway, you'll see more below:
I didn't find a photo of the dress she's wearing in the photo below, but I know that it was designed by Falguni & Peakock :)
I didn't find a photo of the dress she's wearing in the photo below, but I know that it was designed by Falguni & Peakock :)
miercuri, 3 aprilie 2013
Lauren Cohan seen at the Lakers Game in Los Angeles - April 2nd, 2013
Yesterday (April 2nd 2013) , our sweet Lauren Cohan was seen at the Los Angeles Lakers vs Dallas Mavericks Basketball Game. Enjoy the full pics by clicking the photo or the link below:
Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA on April 2nd 2013
Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA on April 2nd 2013

Thank you to Lauren Cohan Online for the pics and to Noel Vasquez for taking them!© Getty Images
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