Well, I have some recovering to do.
First of all ... the bloopers from Supernatural, Season 3 with Lauren. I know the video is old, but honestly I haven't seen it until now so ... here it is:
Comic Con Videos:
Interview with MTV - HERE
Podcast interview (thanks to LaurenCohanFanclub) HERE
Visiting Cryptozoic Entertainment
Podcast interview (thanks to LaurenCohanFanclub) HERE
Visiting Cryptozoic Entertainment
Screencaps & official photos:
(Click on the image to see all of them)
Article by Criptozoic
“Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie, stopped by before noon to greet all the early risers on Saturday morning of Comic Con. Lauren was very appreciative of the fans showing up and the chance to directly interact one-on-one with the fanbase. “It’s been great here at Cryptozoic to have a bit more time to talk to people. It’s really nice to see how much the show means to people,” said Cohan. Lauren also had a chance to see The Walking Dead licensed games and trading cards from Cryptozoic Entertainment. She saw all the character cards from the board game and mentioned Maggie’s special ability in the game would be helping people or using her knife.”
Article by Criptozoic
“Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie, stopped by before noon to greet all the early risers on Saturday morning of Comic Con. Lauren was very appreciative of the fans showing up and the chance to directly interact one-on-one with the fanbase. “It’s been great here at Cryptozoic to have a bit more time to talk to people. It’s really nice to see how much the show means to people,” said Cohan. Lauren also had a chance to see The Walking Dead licensed games and trading cards from Cryptozoic Entertainment. She saw all the character cards from the board game and mentioned Maggie’s special ability in the game would be helping people or using her knife.”
Fan Story (digthatbox.com):

Issue 100 Celebration
I have added the missing screencaps from the interviews of Lauren at this event + some more photos:
(Click on the image to see them)
Season 3 Official Poster including Lauren / Maggie
(click to enlarge)
(PS: Lauren looks so ... dangerous! Can't wait for other picss)
(PS: Lauren looks so ... dangerous! Can't wait for other picss)
And the same photo, with autographs
The Walking Dead Season 2 DVD & Blu-Ray
The DVD & Blu-Ray will "hit the streets" on August 28th
Dailydead.com mini-interview
DD: One of the first photos we had seen from season 3 showed you about to drive a machete right into a zombie's head. It seems like your character is getting a lot more physical. There is a lot of fighting going on in the prison. Have you been enjoying it and will we see a more physical Maggie for the rest of the season?
LaurenC: Yeah, I loved Maggie the minute I first started and now I really found Maggie. This really physical side of it has been so fullfilling. You're on the farm and surrounded by zombies at the end (of season 2). You feel sourounded and victimized. In season 3, it was amazing to say "enough" and become kind of crazed. You scream and hack into things, and it's really fun.
TWD Season 3 Still
Norman Reedus posted this photo on his Twitter. Oh, Maggie ... always with Glen :)
Onlocationvacantions.com from SDCC
“The Walking Dead has had a huge presence at this year’s Comic-Con. From The Walking Dead Escape, to their booth with its awesome photo opportunity, to yesterday’s panel in Hall H. Yesterday, we sat in on the roundtable interviews with The Walking Dead cast members. As for the comparison between Rick and Lori and Maggie and Glenn, Lauren Cohan (Maggie) thinks that Maggie and Glenn’s relationship is new and because of the circumstances, is only “getting stronger.”
New photos from the SDCC
(Click on the photo to see all)
"Shock Horror: Dead Downunder" Convention in Australia, 2013
Yessssssssssss.... Lauren will go to Australia. This (for some -unknown- reason) used to be my favorite country :)
“Culture Shock Events is excited to announce Shock Horror: Dead Downunder. Joining us will be three of the stars of the hit series The Walking Dead, STEVEN YEUN ‘Glenn’, LAUREN COHAN ‘Maggie’ and ANDREW ROTHENBERG ‘Jim’. Shock Horror: Dead Downunder is set for Sydney on Sunday 3rd March 2013. So come and spend the day with other horror fans as we sit and talk about The Walking Dead, and just how survive a zombie apocolypse.”
Ok, even if I'm so excited ... I say let's not hold our breath.... she might cancel again :( we don't know. But let's hope not.
Cute, huh?
Dear Lauren ... you'll always be our number 1!
Once upon a time ... an amazing woman named Lauren Cohan was the very FIRST in the Twitaward August Competition. Now she's on 4 but, that's good too.
And ... I've left the bad news last:
Lauren didn't make it to the New Jersey Convention
“Due to filming Norman Reedus won’t be arriving until Saturday afternoon around 1PM. Norman will not be attending on Friday. Also because of the late filming on Friday Lauren Cohen’s agent has cancelled her appearance. I tried to bring Lauren in for Saturday and Sunday but her agent said she can’t do it. Sorry to disappoint anyone.”